Welcome to Catacomb Party
Hey, you're listening to Catacomb Party!
Our first campaign, Tales of Kana, kicks off June 8th. Don't miss it or we will literally hunt you down and throw polyhedral dice in your general direction.
Thanks! Now get out of our office.
Thank you so much for listening to Catacomb Party. You did it. You're here. My name is Mathr. I am the dungeon master for this campaign.
Josh:I am Josh. I play Walker, a Triton fighter.
PJ:My name is PJ. I play Leo, the warforged artificer.
Leslie:My name is Leslie and I play Elanil Valen, The wood elf ranger of the group.
Krossland:My name is Krossland or Kross, and my character is The Future. Eff is a monk, half-elf, specifically mark of detection.
Mathr:You're listening to Catacomb Party and on behalf of all of us, uh
Josh:Get the fuck out.
Mathr:Get the hell out of our office.
Leslie:See ya.